Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Fettuccini with mushroom ham and rose sauce

Prep Time:
15 Min
Cook Time:
15 Min
Ready In:
30 Min


  • 1 pound dry fettuccine pasta
  • 1/4 cup butter
  • 1/2 cup finely diced onion
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 pound fresh sliced mushrooms
  • 2 teaspoons dried oregano
  • 2 teaspoons dried basil
  • 2 teaspoons dried parsley
  • 6 slices ham, chopped
  • 1 1/2 cups heavy whipping cream
  • 1 cup spaghetti sauce
  • 1 teaspoon crushed red pepper (optional)


  1. Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil. Add pasta and cook for 8 to 10 minutes or until al dente; drain.
  2. In a large saute pan, melt the butter over medium heat. Add the onion and garlic and cook until softened. Stir in the sliced mushrooms and the oregano, basil, and parsley. Cook, stirring occasionally, until the liquid from the mushrooms has evaporated. Add the ham pieces and cook for another 4 to 5 minutes.
  3. Pour in the heavy cream and bring to a boil. Slowly stir in the spaghetti sauce and crushed red pepper blending it into the cream. Cook, stirring occasionally, until the sauce has reduced by a third and is thick.
  4. Place fettuccini on plates and ladle even portions of sauce over top.

Nutritional Information 

Amount Per Serving  Calories: 513 | Total Fat: 26.6g | Cholesterol: 89mg

My short and incomplete interpretation of 'Brickhouse'

At first, I immediately thought about family. Mainly because of the the title, brickhouse, as 'house' being almost always synonymous to or thought of as family. After reading it a couple more times, I begin to see the house not only as a representation of a family but also for one's self, the wolf as temptation or something that can bring a person down, the wife and children as your dreams and opportunities you have neglected or forgotten.

I can't make a full interpretation of it yet, but it most likely revolves on that thought. :)

"bricks aren't the only ones that make a house." "Having a house does not mean the same as having a home" --i don't know what that means yet. It just randomly came to my mind ^^

--A short and incomplete interpretation of the poem Brickhouse by Michelle Camille Correa

click -->here<--to read 'Brickhouse'

Old House by Imelda Morales Aznar

Old House
by Imelda Morales Aznar

We are this house's future ghosts
moving soundlessly between rooms
suffusing the air with our private laughter.
Our smells begin to cleave to the wood.

The old scents have started to vanish
as we rub names off cabinet doors.
But still we hear the floorboards sighing
at night. It is the house remembering.

This house, at fifty, is old enough 
to keep secrets, to gather moments.
It has memories of lives other than ours
and when it remembers, we hear the echoes.

Or see a waving. But always, always we feel the sorrow 
of something left behind to carry the heaviness, 
to bear all the marks on its skin, 
to open its doors, once more, to passing shadows.

source: Crowns and Oranges Works by Young Philippine Poets; edited by Cirilio Bautista and Ken Ishikawa.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Chocolate French Toast Recipe

Chocolate French Toast
Serves 4
  • 16 slices soft baguette
  • 100 g (3 1/2 ounces) dark chocolate, melted
  • 2 eggs, lightly beaten
  • 1/3 cup (2 1/2 ounces) milk
  • 2 tablespoons confectioners’ sugar, sifted
  • unsalted butter for frying
  • confectioners’ sugar, extra, for dusting
  1. Spread half the baguette slices with the melted chocolate and sandwich together with the remaining slices.
  2. Combine the eggs, milk and confectioners’ sugar, then dip the sandwiches into the mixture.
  3. Cook in a large buttered frying pan over medium heat for 2 minutes each side or until golden.
  4. Serve warm and dusted with confectioners’ sugar.

NUTRI-jingle (Nutrition Song)

Phytochemical Group

KC, Abby, Czara, Chet

From the song "Grow old With You"  by Adam Sandler
Our own version:
“It could be so nice”

Foods are the ones which make us strong
Whenever were not
Provides us the nutrients we need the most
Oh it could be so nice to balance what we eat.

There are six nutrients that sustain our life 
Building our body and gives us energy
Oh it could be so nice if we take in all of these.

Proteins and Fats are macronutrients
Even vitamins are micronutrients

So don't forget to always watch for your health
This will prevent you from having diseases
Oh how healthy you can be, if you would just always eat right.
If you would just always eat right.

Tune: California Girls

I know a place, where the foods are really healthy
Go, Grow and Glow
There must be something in this food groups.
You should be aware 
Of what can keep you healthy.
For you, to know, of what can make you sick or strong. It’s a must!


Tune: Buttercup

So why don’t you eat what’s right
Better just do it not to let you down
And mess you around
And the worst of all
You might get marasmus or kwashiorkor (kwashiorkor)
So watch what you eat
It’s for you, It’s for you 
More than anyone darling
Your health keeps you up from the start
So eat what’s right (eat what’s right)
Buttercup, do mind your health.

Monday, November 15, 2010

A poem to memorize

Prof: Choose one english poem of the collegiate level from an established Filipino poet.
          Create a powerpoint presentation containing the ff:
          -the poet's name
          -a picture of the poet
          -a map of the location of the poet
          -5 important bullets of info about the poet
          -copy of the poem itself in one panel
          -reasons why you choose that poet

My choice:

by Michell Camille Correa

Sometimes, the wolf does not need to huff and puff
To blow the house down.
All it needs is to tame its hair
To an immaculate black veil,
Trim its teeth into perfect pearly whites,
And smile.

Take for example, the wolf disguised
As the woman of your dreams.
Today it eyes the home
Of your heart.
Years from now, should you decide to cave in,
Your wife will rest her head on the brick wall
And find no solace,
Just a cold hard surface.
Your children will put their hands on their heads
Seeking shelter from the stony drops of rain
Coming through the roof you've conveniently forgotten
To fix. Sometimes, strength is not in the bricks
But in the sly curving of the lips.
Sometimes all that the wolf needs
Is to take your breath away
to blow the house down.

Now I'm currently working on the powerpoint for the poet. Stay tuned for the posting of the powerpoint itself ^^ wish me luck

source: Crowns and Oranges, works by young Filipino Poet;  Editors Bautista and Ishikawa

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Class Prophecy (Cedar 2009)

The alarm rang. “6:30 am, March 27, 2019” announced the clock and I woke up. I opened my eyes to the view of the billboard across the street. “Live at the Araneta coliseum! Teresa Ardales’ 101 Melodies With special guest American Idol season 18’s winner, Marlowe Pamintuan”. This billboard reminds me of the times when those two use to sing a duet in the classroom when we were 4th year high school students. Cedar was our section then. It seems like it was yesterday, when we gave our last gifts to our adviser, Mr. Cyr Allan Laurel, after the graduation ceremony. I wonder how he’s doing right now? After I took a bath, I got dressed. I wore a chick blue cocktail dress made by renowned fashion designer KC. Wait! Hold on just a minute! I just remembered that KC stands for Katrina Cruz. I had a classmate back then named Katrina Cruz. Way back when I was in high school at SMS. Hmmm, could it be? Maybe. For breakfast, I got a cup of Brazilian coffee and French toast sprinkled with cinnamon and crushed almonds to achieve a more creamy taste. As a chef, I must be very particular of what I serve at my table. I got the daily newspaper; the front pager was Alexandria Bernabe, a Filipina filmmaker who won an Oscar for best film story for a foreign film and best film maker. She was a classmate of mine for 2 years in, well, where else? SMS, of course. I turned my television on for the morning news. “A new system of assembly is formulated to assure that dairy products, when released, are free from contamination and be safer to the public. The new system was formulated by Allyza Frida Esmanil, an industrial engineer. Nice one sir Melvin! Ha-ha...” Says morning talk show host Nico Arraullo and added the morning joke. Same old Nico, a joker by heart. “And in the other news, vocalist Kim De Villa’s new hit single ‘High school’ stands at no. 1 in Billboards top 20. Nice one classmate!” After breakfast and personal hygiene, I went to Viveré to talk to its senior manager and former classmate, Janica Mendoza to make an arrangement for tomorrow night for the ‘Big Event’. Before I left, Jha gave me a ticket to a concert at CCP Complex of Joan Perez together with the Philippine Opera Company and the Philippine Harmonic Orchestra. She said it was given by Joan herself and there was this other thing she gave me. It’s wrapped in a red and white stripe wrapper and it’s kind of rectangular in shape. I wonder what it could be. She said it’s from Merille Medina, our aspiring writer when we were in high school. I left the hotel and went on to do the rest of my errands. In the car, I opened that thing Jha gave me. It was a book entitled ‘Cedar: an autobiography of a class’. No wonder, it was written by Merrile and she dedicated it to our class and to our adviser. With it was a letter. “To Ate Karla” it said in the envelope. I opened the letter and it said:

Dear Ate Karla,

How are you doing? It’s been quite a while since we’ve seen each other. I hope to see you on the ‘Big Event’ tomorrow night. Anyway, I hope you like the gift. It’s my new book. As you can see, you won’t be seeing those in bookstores until next month. I just thought of giving you guys an advanced copy as gifts. And by ‘guys’ I mean all of the Cedar. I manage to track down our former classmates. Franklin Edijer and Russel Mapas are now pilots. Rjae works at Singapore Air Lines and Franklin at Philippine Air Lines. Would you believe? Ha-ha! I’d love to ride on their planes one day. Julie Anne Patugan is now the chief nurse at King Fahd Medial City in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia with Regine Laguador. ‘Di na sila nag hiwalay! Ha-ha! Angel Mondala is also a nurse but at a different hospital. She is now working at the New Asian Hospital. Oh yeah! Manuel Gonzales is a nurse too at a hospital somewhere in Paris. Neat, huh? Oh! And Shanine Reforma, well, I guess you know how she’s doing. Last time I saw her is when I visited the embassy at Rome. You know what? I think being an ambassador of the Philippines to Italy is really a piece of cake to her. I mean, being an ambassador and a hotel owner at the same time is really a hard slog! Anyway I think she can manage it, right? And besides, our most behave is one hard-hitting woman. Ha-ha-ha! And remember Angel? You know, Angelo Calamayan? Well, now he is the owner of a world-class fruit farm in Davao. You know the Company that replaced Dole? That’s his. The fact that his farm has bananas in it really is comical. I remember the monkey days. Ha-ha-ha! Lastly, I ran into Errol Valdez last week when I was in the U.S. For my vacation. He’s now the head Chef of the French Laundry, according to him. Ha-ha, kidding! He really is the head chef there and business is booming. And Alain Guanlao now works as a chef to U.S.’s former president Barrack Obama back at Illinois. Would you believe? Ha-ha. I believe he also wants to be a flight attendant. I wonder whose plane he’s gonna be attending? Stevie Wonders’? Ha-ha-ha! Anyway well see‘ya in the ‘Big Event’! I’m so excited to see you guys again!

Yours truly,

Merrille Jelline Medina


Did you know that KC stands for Katrina Cruz, who is also our former classmate and is now a renowned fashion designer? Ha-ha. No wonder. J

I knew it. I arrived at Greenfield Corp. in Mandaluyong to meet up with engineer Kathrine Elias. When I arrived, she was talking to dashing young woman who’s tall and elegant. She looked familiar to me. When I approached both of them, it occurred to me that it was Zyra Mirandilla and she is now a CPA. Wow! Amazing! We had a little chat before we headed to lunch. Of course, it’s been quite a while since we saw each other. We went to this very classy restaurant at Ayala ave. called Le Boheme. Translation: the bohemian. It was founded 2 years ago by a flight stewardess who, most likely, wanted a business of her own. It was a kind of classy French restaurant with a mix of Filipino cuisine. We got a table and talked a little before we start our lunch. Then I saw a familiar face at the table beside ours. I asked Zy if she is familiar with the guy and she said she recognizes him to be Adrian Valiente. We invited him to our table and we found out that he is now a software designer for Microsoft company and is formerly a designer of Macintosh. After we finished our lunch, the waiter said that the owner wants to speak to us and will come to our table momentarily. We wondered why the owner of the restaurant would wants to speak to us. Then we saw a young woman walked out of the office. She was a slender and tall young woman, has perfect figure, fair complexion and a beautiful face. When she neared our table, we stood up to show respect and introduced ourselves. She smiled and said “Don’t you remember me, guys? I’m Kim. Kimberly Perez. Remember? Sadista no. 1?” It was Kim! Wow a restaurant owner. How do you like that? After lunch I went home to rest and relax a little bit, because tomorrow is the ‘Big Event’. After dinner I had a telephone call from Abegail Antonio who is now a successful business woman and had a business on vehicle merchandising. It has been 4 years since we last saw each other. I can’t believe she still had my telephone number after all these years. Good thing I never changed numbers. She asked me if everything’s ready for the ‘Big Event’. “We still haven’t contacted Mr. Cyr yet.” I said. “I’ll do it. I have his number and we’ll be speaking to him in no time.” Abi hung up and I went to my room to get some sleep.

The next day, is the day of the ‘Big Event’ everyone is busy preparing and I met some old friends along the way. That night, everyone was there. There’s Melody Dizon who’s now a medical technician , Therese Peralta , the dermatologist, both working at St. Luke’s Hospital, Louie Ortega and Joshua Manalastas who are now marine engineers, both at navigation, Veenzon Cagandahan who is now a seaman, Kristian Veluz, now a businessman on real estate, Ryan Magbanua, the mechanical engineer, Elger-Em Baccara who is now a conductor and founder of the Pyongyang Philharmonic Orchestra, Jasvinder Gora, now a famous world-class waitress in England, Zoilo Santiago, a receptionist and front desk manager of Burg Dubai, Christian Luy, president of the worlds leading toy company, Mattel, Mary Grace Tresenio now a high school teacher at, where else, Southernside Montessori School, Kevin Bombasi is also a marine engineer but he prefers to be called a Naval Technician at Titanic III, hope it doesn’t sink this time, Kevin Contaoi now a computer programmer in Globe Telecom, and the rest of the gang.

Like I said, everyone was there except, “Oh no! Where’s Sir Cyr?” cried Nico. “This is horrible!” Elger added. “We can’t throw a reunion without our adviser, right?” Joshua elucidated. Everybody started to panic, but then someone cried “Cedar, ano ba yan? Ang ingay niyo, ha!” We all knew who it was. It was that same voice we had been hearing for 10 months in high school, that same voice we love so much, that same voice that has been an inspiration to us all these years. It was our beloved adviser, Sir Cyr!

*beep beep beep*

It was the alarm clock. But, how? Could it be just a dream? Maybe, but I wish it’d come true. That would be so fun.

Karla Bernadette O. Del Rosario

Cedar 2008-2009