Monday, November 15, 2010

A poem to memorize

Prof: Choose one english poem of the collegiate level from an established Filipino poet.
          Create a powerpoint presentation containing the ff:
          -the poet's name
          -a picture of the poet
          -a map of the location of the poet
          -5 important bullets of info about the poet
          -copy of the poem itself in one panel
          -reasons why you choose that poet

My choice:

by Michell Camille Correa

Sometimes, the wolf does not need to huff and puff
To blow the house down.
All it needs is to tame its hair
To an immaculate black veil,
Trim its teeth into perfect pearly whites,
And smile.

Take for example, the wolf disguised
As the woman of your dreams.
Today it eyes the home
Of your heart.
Years from now, should you decide to cave in,
Your wife will rest her head on the brick wall
And find no solace,
Just a cold hard surface.
Your children will put their hands on their heads
Seeking shelter from the stony drops of rain
Coming through the roof you've conveniently forgotten
To fix. Sometimes, strength is not in the bricks
But in the sly curving of the lips.
Sometimes all that the wolf needs
Is to take your breath away
to blow the house down.

Now I'm currently working on the powerpoint for the poet. Stay tuned for the posting of the powerpoint itself ^^ wish me luck

source: Crowns and Oranges, works by young Filipino Poet;  Editors Bautista and Ishikawa

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