Wednesday, November 17, 2010

My short and incomplete interpretation of 'Brickhouse'

At first, I immediately thought about family. Mainly because of the the title, brickhouse, as 'house' being almost always synonymous to or thought of as family. After reading it a couple more times, I begin to see the house not only as a representation of a family but also for one's self, the wolf as temptation or something that can bring a person down, the wife and children as your dreams and opportunities you have neglected or forgotten.

I can't make a full interpretation of it yet, but it most likely revolves on that thought. :)

"bricks aren't the only ones that make a house." "Having a house does not mean the same as having a home" --i don't know what that means yet. It just randomly came to my mind ^^

--A short and incomplete interpretation of the poem Brickhouse by Michelle Camille Correa

click -->here<--to read 'Brickhouse'

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